A Medical Question for Bird Talk
Posted date : May 14, 2019.
On page 9 of the summer 2017 CSANews, in the Bird Talk section, the editor talked about travel insurance and “the regular care and monitoring of a chronic condition.”
Having “an incredible battery of tests at a bus in a pharmacy parking lot for $149” sounds great, until a situation requiring out-of-province medical attention arises from a procedure in that battery of tests and one’s travel insurance won’t be there to cover for that situation.
As a result of reading that particular post by the editor, I have three (3) questions for Medipac:
1. If a Medipac-insured person has blood work drawn once per month while out of the province for the winter, to monitor an ongoing condition, and a situation requiring medical attention arises from the procedure (for example, an infection from the procedure), is the insured person covered by Medipac for that situation?
2. If a Medipac-insured person continues to take his/her regular chiropractic adjustments while out of the province for the winter and a situation requiring medical attention arises from the chiropractic procedure, is the insured person covered by Medipac for that situation?
3. Can a Medipac-insured person donate blood as part of a blood-bank blood drive while out of the province for the winter?
Thanks Bird Talk!
Linda S.
St. Williams, ON
Response :
Ed.: Excellent questions. If something new is found at the “bus” during or after the screening exams, it is 100% covered by Medipac (subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, of course). And…
1: The drawing of blood is not covered, as you know, but any reaction, infection or other related difficulty IS covered arising from that blood withdrawal;
2: Again, something new arising from a chiropractic treatment IS covered, but Medipac would look to the chiropractor for reimbursement if it was caused by their treatment. Medipac still pays your claim first;
3: YES; Medipac encourages you to donate blood to help others.
Please note that these answers only apply to a Medipac policy. Please call your insurance company if you are insured elsewhere.