Accessible Health Care
Posted date : Nov 13, 2017.

Dear Sirs,
Off the road for a couple of days, saw your message (issue 54), so thought I’d assist you in sending them to a very warm place. It will be interesting who replies and what they have to say….will keep you posted.
Bob, a Lifetime CSA Member
Here is the E-mail that Bob sent:
From: Bob Sansom
To: Hon. Gary Doer, MLA (NDP), Premier (
Cc: Hon. Tim Sale, MLA (NDP), Fort Rouge, Minister of Health ( Hon. Jon Gerrard, MLA (Lib.), Leader of the Manitoba Provincial Liberal Party ( Stuart Murray, MLA (PC), Kirkfield Park, Leader of the Official Opposition ( Heather Stefenson, MLA (PC), Tuxedo (south Winnipeg) (
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 11:16 AM
Subject: – -Simple issues- –
I am just a simple guy, who wants to be able to see a doctor when I want to, pay my taxes and enjoy my retirement in peace.
Would each of you tell me what your position is on the following simple issues:
1-Effective health care across Canada, with easy access and payment of our health-care bills while travelling, at the same rate as they would be paid for in Canada. This is the law of the country and should be simple to enforce.
2-Freedom to travel anywhere, anytime, without penalty or the “threat” of being stripped of our health care benefits.
3-The ability to buy enough prescription drugs to last our entire trip. Why are the governments so insensitive to this issue? We are not looking to buy crack or heroin; just our high blood pressure medication or whatever else our doctors have recommended.
Will you solve them, or not? Your answers will determine my next vote.
Thank you,
Bob Sansom (Retired)
Thanks for your assistance, Bob. We look forward to hearing the responses from the various offices to whom you have written. Be sure to send them into Bird Talk so we can share them with our readers. It is important for individual citizens (and CSA Members) to keep our governments in check.