Adding extra days
Posted date : Sep 19, 2022.

My name is Arthur Bugelli and I will be 82 years old in October. This is my situation. My female partner and I have been an item for 22 years. We never got married. Our families accept us as we are. When we first met, there was only one grandchild; now she has seven and I have five. All of our grandkids call us Grandpa and Grandma. Now that they are getting older, they are graduating, etc. Since I am only allowed 180/2 days in the states, I am missing a lot of the celebrations, etc. I spend the winter in Florida, so I don’t have any days that I can spend with them for any occasion. I wonder if you know of any place or department that I can apply to, to have some extra days added to the 180/2.
Arthur Bugelli
Whitby, ON
Ed.: There is no procedure to permit someone to extend the time which one can spend in the United States as requested. There are procedures for emergency situations, but these are not relevant here. If you get married and hire an immigration lawyer, you could come and go as you please.