Advanced tickets
Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk,
I just had to write to express my deep disappointment with the C.S.A.
Every year we look forward to attending the Snowbird Extravaganza North show. Imagine our surprise to find out it was by “Activated Ticket” only basis. Because we live 90 minutes from the Centre instead of 45, we were not invited.
This “innovated change” discriminated against a lot of the members. We usually go with two other couples (who by the way, as concerned as us). SHAME!
Concerned member
Yvonne Condon
P.S. I hope the sponsors realize just how many people they did not reach this year.
Renee Boncardo of Midland, ON wrote five pages on behalf of his friends and the message was the same “discrimination”, anger and our “slap in the face” to dedicated members. Our humble apologies. The 45 minute driving distance decision was based solely on the cost of mailing to members. We were wrong very wrong. Our plans for next year include expansion to two more cities, at a minimum, and next year everyone in Ontario will be invited to at least one event. We are still working on days in other provinces and will advise you as plans unfold. SHAME, indeed.