BC Ferries
Posted date : Nov 13, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk,
Recently, we travelled to the province of British Columbia to go over to Victoria. When we stopped at the visitor centre in British Columbia, we were told that being seniors and since we travelled on the ferries mid-week, that all senior passengers would travel for free. We would have to pay for the van, which is charged separately. Upon arriving at the B.C. ferry terminal, we discovered that this only applied to those seniors who are B.C. residents. Everywhere else that we travel, we receive the senior price. I believe that this is a form of discrimination against seniors outside of British Columbia. Perhaps if this letter is printed in the CSANews magazine, along with a letter from the president, the B.C. Ferries Corporation will have a change of heart and allow all seniors the same privilege.
Stanley Knight
Ed: Why in heaven’s name would the B.C. government do this? Tourists come to their beautiful province and they penalize them and leave a bad taste in their mouths. People do not return to a destination for just these kind of reasons – treatment as a second-class citizen. We will send some copies to their politicians.