Coren Comments
Posted date : Nov 13, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk,
Thank you for printing Michael Coren’s column in the summer Issue 75 regarding some Canadians’ perception of the United States. He was able to express my thoughts and it is my hope that more Canadians will give what he says some consideration.
Joni Steele
Dear Bird Talk,
Hmm. Not sure what to make of Michael Coren’s “opinion” in the summer issue. Surely he’s writing tongue in cheek. Otherwise, I didn’t realize he was such a toady.
Anne McEwen
Burnt River, ON
Dear Bird Talk,
Is Michael Coren fishing for a congressional medal? We already know that the U.S. of A is the best country in the world, the most democratic one, the smartest, the most peace-loving, etc., etc. We have been told this ad nauseam for a long time.
Robert Merkel
Nobel, ON
Dear Bird Talk,
We are lifetime members and always enjoy reading CSA News. We found the article written by Michael Coren in the summer 2010 edition to be especially good. We are so sick of all the “Yankee bashing” by Canadians who spend time in the U.S. and criticize their hosts, or others who know absolutely nothing about America or Americans. We have been spending five to six months a year at our Florida home since 1992 and enjoy the country, the lifestyle and the people very much. We are totally accepted by our southern community and are very saddened by the Canadian anti-American mentality. Thank you, Michael Coren, for spreading the truth about our neighbours.
Dianne & Mac
Ed: As an editor, it is a pleasure to have a columnist who elicits opinion on both sides of an issue and Michael Coren is that master writer. Personally, I love America and Americans; I just don’t necessarily agree with everything that they say and do.