CSANews Article: Drive to Bermuda
Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk,
It was such a pleasure reading “Drive to Bermuda” (in winter issue) CSANews.
My late husband and I spent wonderful 3 week holidays there in June or October every second year for over 30 years.
We stayed in a private guest house, on South Shore Rd. handy to beaches and towns.
The scenes shown were so familiar and we loved the pink sandy beach, mostly at Horseshoe Bay. The coral sand was so fine on your feet and did not burn – the water a gorgeous turquoise. We made many personal friends where we stayed and still keep in touch.
I have over a dozen small jam jars of sand, from around the world, where we travelled – if Dr. Beach could use them I can pass them on.
Thank you for your columns and your sense of humor.
God Bless,
Eileen Horne
Thank you Eileen, we’re glad you enjoyed our winter issue so much. We’ll pass the message on to Dr. Beach for you. Out of interest, I’m answering your letter from a rented home on the south shore of Bermuda, in Somerset. I can only stay for one week, but I fully understand your feelings for this wonderful island.