Days in transit?
Posted date : May 11, 2022.
We are flying from B.C. to San Diego and travelling the same day to Mexico by car. Does the day on which we are in transit count towards our allowed annual days in the U.S.? We are currently in AZ (new snowbirds this year!) and have been since the end of September. We are flying back to B.C. for Christmas on Dec 14. We would prefer not to stay north for 30 days, and so are thinking that if the day in transit is not counted, we could spend part of the 30 days in Mexico. I think I read somewhere that same day in transit does not count, but cannot find any information to confirm that! Thanks for any advice available.
Judy Gage
Victoria, BC
Ed.: A day spent travelling through the United States from Canada to Mexico would be considered a day in transit and would not be counted as a day spent in the United States. However, since you have established yourself as a winter resident in Arizona, your “short” trip out of the United States for the holidays may not be recognized by a Department of Homeland Security Agent, and they have full discretion, so err on the side of caution. Go to the I94 website and see for yourself. Every time you enter or depart the United States is recorded and, if the wrong agent thinks that you are being “tricky,” you may find yourself with limitations going forward.