Doubly Blessed!!
Posted date : Sep 30, 2019.

Doubly Blessed!!
Returning from our usual winter in Florida last year, I consulted my family doctor for a slightly swollen neck. Turns out that it was a very fast-moving lymphoma and before you could say Bob’s my uncle, I was in the middle of chemo.
Talk about getting your world rocked and having to deal emotionally with your mortality, as well as the loss of three big bucket-list items (a trip to the Philippines, a cruise in the Orient and a trip to China). But, by late October, I was declared in full remission (blessing #1).
But we were s-o-o-o missing not being able to travel to our beloved Florida home. And mentally, after the ordeal of chemo, we REALLY wanted and needed that respite. My wife suggested that we talk to Medipac who we have been with since retiring 12 years ago. They suggested that we submit an application for special underwriting, along with all my medical and test results. They worked with us every step of the way and were so compassionate and caring and then, blessing #2. They offered me coverage for the rest of the winter.
Our Florida beach never looked nor felt so wonderful and healing. Thanks, Medipac. Whatever time I will be blessed with in life, you will always be my insurer of choice.
Harold Griffith
St. Catharines, ON
P.S. You have offered me coverage again this winter. You should see the smile on my face.
Response :
Ed.: We have a big smile on our faces, too, when we get letters like yours. Thank you, and we will do our best to live up to your high expectations.