Federal Superannuates Travel Insurance
Posted date : Nov 7, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk,
I enjoy very much reading CSANews as I find it offers new perspectives for senior Canadians.
In April 2006 retired federal public servants had their coverage for foreign travel health benefits increased from $100,000.00 to $500,000.00 for a continuous forty day period. Added health and surgical features were also announced. In view of this expanded coverage, it appears that extra health insurance is now no longer required of snowbirds vacationing in the United States.
You might wish to report on this enhanced coverage in a forthcoming CSANews magazine.
Yours truly,
W.J. Curran
Thank you for bringing the Superannuate changes up, Mr. Curran. We would like to take this opportunity to advise you, and others, that Medipac has increased our credits for superannuates this year, and we provide a complimentary Annual Plan so you and your fellow federal public servants will have the broader protection of the Medipac Program for all your travels. We also do not believe that $500,000 is adequate and Medipac currently provides $2 million limits. We are at a loss to understand why the government would make these very favourable changes but would not amend the Plan to provide the higher limits. Please be aware that the Plan indicated is only valid for the first 40 days of travel and all true snowbirds will still require substantial additional coverage.