Hurricane Pictures
Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Medipac,
My sincere thanks to you and your organization for the excellent pictures of our unit in Florida. We were down 4 weeks ago and made minor repairs to get ready for our later stay. Our small damage claim was done on the phone, there, and the cheque has been received.
We were SPARED…your pictures immediately removed the stress and anxiety of the unknown and refuted reckless reports we had gotten from the site.
Please pass our thanks to the person who made the decision to help.
A.W. Curtis
The storm damage rumours were rampant and we were as relieved as you were to know the real truth. Some good news, and some bad news, but knowing is always better than not knowing, in our opinion. Ross Quigley and Chris Bradbury made the decision to send in the photography team and your thanks are most appreciated.