I’m Jack Layton’s mother
Posted date : Nov 13, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk,
Re: Michael Coren’s Guest Column
I’m Jack Layton’s mother – so I have to object to his claiming there are only two intellectuals heading parties in the government at this time .
Jack has his PhD in political science from York University, after completing both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees, honouring in political science and economics, then he became head of the political science department at Ryerson, and is a tenured professor at the University of Toronto.
Doris Layton
Mississauga, ON
Ed: Aren’t mothers wonderful! I did not know this, and I bet thousands of our readers were also unaware of Mr. Layton’s very serious credentials. Both Mr. Coren and I would love to buy Mr. Layton a fine lunch as a peace offering for the oversight. Perhaps we could even chat about a few of our CSA issues.