Posted date : Nov 13, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk,
On April 13/99, as we were returning home from Florida, we had a medical emergency while stopped at the CITGO gas station, LOVELACE AUTO SERVICE, Knoxville, Tenn. 37922. We don’t know the exit #, but it was in north Knoxville, near 40 and 75.
I asked Mr. Lovelace how to get to emergency. He said that we would probably get lost and asked if he could drive our car and take us there. He had someone follow to take him back. On arriving at the hospital, he went in and had a nurse and wheelchair at the door for us. “Southern hospitality,” at its best! The emergency service was excellent and we can’t say enough about the whole experience. We have sent a thank you to Mr. Lovelace, but wanted to share this with your readers.
Joe and Doris Wood
Listowel, Ontario
Thank you for letting us know about this true gentleman. Folks, when passing through Tennessee on your trips south and north, make a point of stopping at Lovelace Auto Service to fill ‘er up! This business deserves OUR business.