Netflix debacle
Posted date : May 10, 2023.
I’m hoping that you can answer a question that many, if not most, snowbirds have. Netflix is working on eliminating the number of accounts that have free riders. My understanding is that you’ll need to log in to your home Wi-Fi at least once a month in order to access your account. Obviously, they didn’t think through what that means for Canadian snowbirds. It appears that this could impact us as early as late February or March of this year. Would you be able to talk to Netflix and see if there is a workaround for those of us who are not cheating, but are away from home for longer than a month? (I tried their chat line with no success.)
Shirley-Ann George
Ottawa, ON
Ed.: Some have suggested cancelling your Canadian Netflix account and opening a new account in the U.S. during the winter months. We believe that such steps should not be necessary. The Canadian Snowbird Association has been in contact with Netflix Inc. to try and remedy this issue and push for a password-sharing policy which is snowbird-friendly.