Car Delivery Service
Has anyone used a car delivery service from Toronto to Tampa, Florida?
Has anyone used a car delivery service from Toronto to Tampa, Florida?
Returning from our usual winter in Florida last year, I consulted my family doctor for a slightly swollen neck. Turns out that it was a very fast-moving lymphoma and before you could say Bob’s my uncle, I was in the middle of chemo.
I will be turning 70 next year and am trying to understand the premium increase clip levels at 70 and 75?
I will be gone for six months. What can you do if the toilet is not flushed; when it sits there for a while, the water turns yellow and it stinks? Also in the taps, when you run the water. Can you help..
I am considering selling my U.S. condo and wonder if you have any advice on this. I have owned it for 10 years and it has gone up in value, so I know that I will pay capital gains tax in the U.S. Will the profit be counted as income in Canada?
Hi, do I need a Working Visa to work as a campground host in a U.S. State Park?
In 2019, we rented our Florida/Jensen Beach condo out to Americans (for the first time) for the months of February/March through a Jensen Beach-based realty management company. Can we pay the tax on these U.S. rental earnings in Canada, or must we pay it to the IRS?
I am a board member and former vice-president of a Florida homeowners association. I was told that I may be in trouble with immigration, as I did help with new contracts and co-sign bank cheques.
I am writing to you regarding an article in Magazine Issue 110 regarding wills in the U.S. Your response was NO, one does not need a special will for the U.S.
There are two issues raised in the Bird Talk of the spring issue on page 8, where I am questioning your response: (1) There is no withholding tax on a U.S. sale of less than $250,000. (2) In Canada, we are required to report any real estate transaction of more than $100,000 at purchase.