
30-Day rule

Posted on December 15th, 2017 by JOSE

Regarding the 30-day absence rule, I have recently had a fellow snowbird inform me that they have been told that you must actually return to Canada in order for those days not to be counted toward your U.S. time as opposed to travelling, for example, to Mexico for 30 days. Can you clarify this for […]


Posted on December 15th, 2017 by JOSE

If my wife and I visit Arizona for five months every calendar year (say Nov. 1-March 31) and file an 8840 every year, will we be subject to U.S. taxes based on worldly income? Our U.S. tax accountant in Canada says that it is very possible and recommends to not spend more than 120 days […]

Border guards

Posted on December 15th, 2017 by JOSE

I enjoy reading the various questions and answers re: Dear Bird Talk. One answer caught my attention in the summer 2017 issue 103. It was mentioned that, sometimes, a border guard will only allow you a shorter period (for instance – only 90 days). In that case, you will have to comply with the shorter […]

Car Registration

Posted on November 13th, 2017 by JOSE

Dear Bird Talk, We winter in Apache Junction, Arizona. Over the years, we have been driving back and forth. We want to start flying back and forth. We want to leave our Alberta car here and fly. Can we register our car in Arizona, or do we have to take it back to the Canada/U.S. […]

NEXUS lane

Posted on November 13th, 2017 by JOSE

Dear Bird Talk, We crossed the border at Sarnia/Port Huron recently and encountered a very unusual procedure. At the U.S. CBP station, we were asked a few questions and then allowed to proceed. However, before we drove more than two car lengths, we were stopped by a very large white pickup truck which blocked our […]

Visas for Travellers with convictions

Posted on November 13th, 2017 by JOSE

Dear Bird Talk, I own a condo in Vero Beach Florida and for a few years, my son has driven us down, stayed for a week or so and then I have bought him a ticket to fly home. This worked well for me and he was happy to do it. In the spring, I […]

Do you have an address if you live full-time in an RV?

Posted on November 13th, 2017 by JOSE

Dear Bird Talk, The vast majority of snowbirds are without a Canadian home address for the simple fact that they have sold their homes and are living full time in their RVs. Ever try to get into the U.S. with a title of homeless? Not only border crossing; try getting a licence for anything. My […]

Questions about time permitted in the U.S.

Posted on November 13th, 2017 by JOSE

Dear Bird Talk, I read an article online that was published by the Star which stated some information of which I was unaware and am wondering if you could clarify. We are aware that we can stay for up to 182 days out of a year. What I was unaware of is it also states […]

Clarifying amount of time allowed in the U.S.

Posted on November 13th, 2017 by JOSE

Dear Bird Talk, We understand that there is a limit of 182 days for Ontario residents to be in the states per year. Does the year run from January to December (calendar year), or how do they estimate your stay in the states? Beth Duffield Point Edward, ON Response: Ed.: For clarity, a Canadian is […]

Unusual question throws snowbirds off guard at the border

Posted on November 13th, 2017 by JOSE

Dear Bird Talk, We have just entered the U.S. at the Peace Bridge in Buffalo. We have a mobile home in Florida where we will be living for five months. We had all of our documentation at the ready and prepared for the crossing, something we have done for 15 years. The border guard asked […]

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