Preferred US Bank?
Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk,
My husband and I are retiring this January and are planning to spend our winters in either Arizona or Texas. Is there a U.S. bank that is a better choice for Canadians? We are heading to Arizona for February and to Texas in March and would like to open a chequing account while we are there.
Karen Ventura
Ottawa, ON
Ed.: Congratulations! We have dealt with most of the banks at one time or another and none of them have the convenience that you are used to in Canada. TD Bank and Bank of Montreal have full branches in a few Western communities and, if they are near you, that would be a good choice. I personally deal with Wells Fargo and have had great success. They have great online access and the best reporting of charges and debits that I have seen. Ask for details regarding the various accounts; my choice was a Premier account. I do not use credit cards in the U.S. due to the exorbitant charges and fees, especially on currency-exchange transactions. A debit card for your new account is the way to go and is very convenient. Use the CSA’s Snowbird Currency Exchange Program to send money to your new account.