Speed Traps
Posted date : Nov 13, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk:
Thank you for your warning of speed traps in Florida.
You may want to advise your readers that the province of New Brunswick has embarked on this lucrative source of income. Number eleven highway north of Moncton is posted at 100 kmp, but in certain areas the speed limit drops to 90 kmp. There are no warning signs of a “LOWER SPEED AHEAD” as you see in other provinces and states, only a small sign indicating the new speed. If you should miss it, as I did, the cost is $84.00. These zones are patrolled by RCMP, tailgating big trucks, reminiscent of the cop behind the billboard era. They do not show the alleged rate of speed on the ticket so that it can not be disputed in court. We are to assume that their machines are infallible and that the officer has never made a mistake, but the ticket does state that failure to comply with their demands will result in your drivers license being cancelled, even from other provinces.
If you absolutely have to go to New Brunswick, be careful.
Mr. A. J. Cormier
Triverton Ontario
We definitely do recommend a visit to beautiful New Brunswick, but as always be careful.