Thanks Medipac!
Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Medipac,
Thank you very much for mailing pictures of our house in Maple Leaf Estates, Port Charlotte, Florida, taken after the destruction of Hurricane Charley.
While I have received a number of pictures of my place in MLE, your pictures are by far superior in detail to any I’ve seen, and were most helpful in determining the extent of damage.
It would appear that I have come through the hurricane reasonably well and damage appears to be light to my house…although I still await word from the insurance adjuster following an inspection of the property.
Thanks again…service beyond the normal call. Good for Medipac – another example of why you are a great company and why I like being a customer of Medipac.
Bob Simpson
Thank you, Bob. We appreciate having you as our client and we are glad you made it through the storm without too much damage. Others were not quite so lucky, unfortunately.