Travel Insurance question
Posted date : Jul 21, 2022.

We are new to being snowbirds. Please tell me that there is a travel insurance plan out there which covers you for 150 days without having to come across the border every 30-33 days? What is the point of buying travel insurance if you have to come back every 30-33 days? It is very costly to have to cross the border each month? Confused on travel insurance…help…
Lynn Wills
Nerepis, NB
Ed.: Medipac will be happy to insure you for any trip up to 212 days in length. And there is no requirement for you to cross back and forth across the border. The U.S. allows you to visit for up to six months, in any 12-month period. That is not a calendar year; it is ANY 12-month period. Don’t forget to take advantage of Medipac’s Early Bird Discount. Buying your insurance now can be very effective for savings.