Posted date : Jan 13, 2023.

I would like to address your response to Jeff from Calgary regarding a U.S. will. We were also in the process of updating our wills and our lawyer recommended that we have a U.S. will. You talked about how assets held jointly would pass by succession, however, if something happens to both owners, then it can get messy. We decided to enlist the services of an attorney in Arizona and draft both a U.S. will and a Power of Attorney. While our Canadian will does specify who will inherit our U.S. property, it was recommended that we attach a list of beneficiaries to all of the titles that we have, such as house, vehicles, golf carts, etc. I believe that the cost was under $2,000. Thank you for all that you do on our behalf.
Wayne Carley
Carnduff, SK
Ed.: Good advice! Local governments understand local legal documents drafted by local legal counsel. Better safe than sorry.