Winter Information Meetings – Prize Winner
Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Mr. Quigley (Medipac Travel Insurance),
Thank you very much for the US$500 cheque for the door prize at the Winter Information Meeting in Yuma, AZ. I have attended quite a few of these meetings and we always enjoy them. I usually do enter the draw, buy a ticket on the 50/50, etc., but never dreamed I’d ever win anything with so many entries. Obviously, it was a very pleasant surprise and the $500 will come in handy for our next snowbird trip.
We have been Canadian Snowbird Association members for quite a few years and have purchased Medipac travel insurance for almost all of our winter snowbird seasons. We have checked out other insurance, but in our opinion, you can’t beat Medipac, so of course we’ll be choosing it again this year. Incidentally, we frequently recommend Medipac to other snowbirds whenever the subject of travel insurance comes up.
Thanks again for the generous door prize and keep up all the good work you do on behalf of us all.
Mary Hayden
Ed: Another happy client! You have made our day.