The Canadian Snowbird Association produces a series of publications intended to provide members with the information they need before and during their trips abroad. The CSA Travel Information Guide (members only), CSANews, the CSA Member Handbook, the CSA Travellers’ Checklist, the Canadian Travellers’ Report Card, provincial election handbooks, and more.
On Monday, April 28, 2025, the citizens of Canada will choose their next federal government. As a member of the Canadian Snowbird Association (CSA), now is the time to ensure your voice is heard.
The Medipac Travel Insurance Guide shares valuable information regarding the sometimes confusing travel insurance industry and products
The Canadian Travellers’ Report Card is an evaluation of government policy and practice for Canadians who travel.
CSA is pleased to announce that we have won our legal challenge against the Ontario Government and their illegal termination of emergency out-of-country insurance coverage for Ontario residents.
Provides you with answers to the most asked questions pertaining to “snowbirding” in the United States.