Insurance as per COVID-19
Posted date : May 5, 2020.

Although there are different insurance companies that deal with CSA members, and because the insurance companies and all of us are aware of the possible problems that may arise if we stay in the U.S. longer, are the insurance companies going to cover COVID-19 treatment if we fall ill….or are they going to insist that we return to Canada?
Mark Beasant
Dryden, ON
Ed.: We have had hundreds of calls and letters about the COVID-19 virus and any snowbird insured with Medipac had full coverage for the entire length of their trip, as long as they purchased their policy prior to the advisory to return. This naturally included full coverage for claims arising from the COVID-19 virus. Other insurers had many different approaches to the problem. The most prevalent was a demand that you return to Canada immediately and that your coverage (all of it) would be terminated. This harmful action, in my opinion, was totally unnecessary and perhaps even illegal under their written policy definitions. These insurers ruined the vacations and lifestyles of tens of thousands of snowbirds and caused enormous and unnecessary stress.