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Mobile home sale

Posted date : May 11, 2022

I have a mobile home in a Florida home park on rented land. If I sell, do I have to file a tax return?


Selling property in the U.S. if you are not a U.S. citizen

Posted date : May 11, 2022

I am not sure if Canadians are fully aware that if you are not a U.S. citizen and decide to sell real estate property in the U.S., 15% of the selling price will be deducted from your proceeds and sent to the IRS within 20 days after closing. …


Real estate purchase

Posted date : May 11, 2022

We have purchased a property in Fort Pierce; we want to put our son who is 50 years old on the deed immediately. Our thinking is that upon our demise, he will already be an owner therefore eliminating the inheritance processes and associated costs. What are the advantages and disadvantages to such an approach?


Car purchase

Posted date : May 11, 2022

I bought a car in Florida to leave there and purchased auto insurance with Geico. Now, Geico is telling me that they will not renew my policy unless I get a U.S. licence. Are there U.S. insurance companies that do not require a U.S. licence?


Form 8840: Address in the U.S.

Posted date : May 11, 2022

I have to fill in Form 8840 for last year. Since I was hiking the Pacific Crest Trail for five months, I never really had an address in the U.S. (except for a couple of nights in a hotel). What should I put into the “Address in the United States” at the top of the page?


Form IRS 8840

Posted date : May 11, 2022

I read your comments on filing IRS 8840. If one files the form every year, you stated that one can stay in the U.S. for a maximum of 182 days….


Cruising from U.S. to another U.S. port

Posted date : May 11, 2022

We are planning a cruise departing from San Diego and sailing for five days at sea and then sailing around the Hawaiian Islands for another six days before departing for foreign ports. Would the U.S. Department of Homeland Security calculate the days at sea as being “in the U.S.”?


Days in U.S.

Posted date : May 11, 2022

I go to the U.S. for six months each year and fill out all of the required forms, i.e. 8840. My question is if during those six months in the U.S. I decide to go on a vacation for a week or two to, say, Dominican or Europe, do they take that time into account, which means that I can stay for an extra week or two in the U.S. so that my total days would still equal 182?


Days in transit?

Posted date : May 11, 2022

We are flying from B.C. to San Diego and travelling the same day to Mexico by car. Does the day on which we are in transit count towards our allowed annual days in the U.S.?


Issue 122

Posted date : May 11, 2022

CSANews Issue 122 – Spring 2022 Edition | In this Issue :- BIRDWATCHING ON VACATION, POLITICS AND YOUR PORTFOLIO, Birdtalk


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