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Date of submission of Form 8840

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, There have been many questions regarding the wisdom of submitting a form 8840 to the IRS and it certainly makes sense to do this. Would you please provide clarification on two points? First, we are assuming that both my wife and I must submit separate forms. Is this correct? Second, can these […]


More than 182 days in the US?

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Inadvertently, I have done something really stupid. I made an honest mistake muddling up my days spent in the U.S. for 2013 and only now realize that I was in the U.S. for more than my allotted 182 days…by six days (188). Am I the first idiot to have ever done this? […]


Medical extensions for illness when it’s time to go home

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, With the new Canada/U.S. border-crossing procedures, the issue of days spent in the U.S. is becoming more and more troublesome for many of us. It recently occurred to me that if you have used up most of your 182 days’ entitlement and you are still in the U.S., and a medical problem […]


Snowbird/Retiree Visa

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I recently received a newsletter from Moody’s Gartner stating that the proposed “snowbird visa” legislation to increase the amount of time which snowbirds can spend in the U.S. is a potential “tax bomb,” as the “day count” for the purposes of the snowbird visa is different than the day count for tax […]


Constitutional Challenge to Provincial Regulations?

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Each of the provincial health plans, even the “generous ones,” threaten their citizens with cancellation of their provincial health-care plan should they dare absent themselves from the province for longer than some bureaucratically set period of time. I suggest that such a draconian punishment for temporarily abandoning one’s province of residence for […]


Subtracting Time From Six Months

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

I sit in dismay, having read your response re: subtracting time from six months. You say that a fewer-than-30-day return to Canada cannot be subtracted when calculating total days allowed in the U.S. We have spent three to six months every year since 1994, always coming home for Xmas. Our time was not always the […]


Changes to Length of Stay

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We keep hearing from friends that the U.S. is trying to change the length-of-stay time from 182 days to a maximum stay of 120 days for Canadian citizens. Is there any truth to this? I have been unable to find anything regarding this on the website. Karyn Farthing Speargrass, AB Response: Ed: […]


Provincial Picnics at Fort DeSoto

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk: For a number of years, we have attended and enjoyed the Prince Edward Island picnic held annually at Fort DeSoto Park in Florida. We understand that the Canadian Snowbird Association, and we believe Medipac Travel Insurance, sponsor this fun day (and other provincial picnics), so we are writing to you regarding a […]


Changes to Length of Stay

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk: Re: Changes to length of stay We keep hearing from friends that the U.S. is trying to change the length-of-stay time from 182 days to a maximum stay of 120 days for Canadian citizens. Is there any truth to this? I have been unable to find anything regarding this on the website. […]


Canadian Goverment Health Benefits and Form 8840

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Regarding the suspension of government health benefits ,” how would they know if I was away or home if I don’t go to the clinic for two years or whenever? Next, if I fill out the 8840 form, does that allow me to stay longer? Ron Wiltshire Miniota, MB Response: Ed: Big […]


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