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Snowbirds reiterate call to end mandatory hotel quarantine

Posted date : Jun 9, 2021

The Canadian Snowbird Association (CSA) is, again, calling on the federal government to end the mandatory hotel quarantine program for fully vaccinated Canadian residents returning to Canada.


CSA calls on Trudeau and Biden administrations to develop a cross-border reopening plan for fully vaccinated travellers

Posted date : Jun 9, 2021

The Canadian Snowbird Association (CSA) is calling on the Canadian and U.S. Governments to formalize a plan to safely reopen the land border for fully vaccinated travellers for non-essential purposes.


CSA Letter to the Minister of Health

Posted date : Jun 2, 2021

As President of the Canadian Snowbird Association (CSA), I am writing to request that your Ministry allow Ontario residents to update their immunization records to register COVID-19 vaccinations which they have received in the United States and abroad.


CSA Open Letter to Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer

Posted date : May 28, 2021

As President of the Canadian Snowbird Association (CSA), I am writing to request that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) revises its guidance on quarantine requirements for fully vaccinated Canadian residents returning to Canada from the United States on the basis that these individuals do not pose a risk of significant harm to public health.


COVID-19 spray shield

Posted date : May 18, 2021

A new spray treatment promises to cut the virus off at the nose – Since the beginning of the year, vaccination has dominated the public conversation about the COVID-19 pandemic.


New Travel Restriction

Posted date : May 18, 2021

I’m presently in Florida since November 2020, have received the COVID-19 vaccine, will have a COVID-19 test 72 hours before returning to Canada and have just learned that when we enter Canada…


Canada Border issues

Posted date : May 15, 2021

Inside the cover of our passport you’ll find this…and the Canadian government has NOT voted on any changes. ….


Return requirements

Posted date : May 15, 2021

Perhaps the worst idea of all time, the Feds are looking to jam all people arriving into Canada into hotels until their arrival swab results show negative. While the intent is to sanitize people flying in from overseas…


Land-Border Crossing if Married to an American Homeowner

Posted date : May 15, 2021

I am a Canadian snowbird. In 2016, I married an American citizen who owns her own home in Florida. Typically, we spend five months at her home in Florida and the remainder of the year at my home in Ontario…


COVID Vaccination

Posted date : May 15, 2021

The Canadian Government is working hard at procuring the vaccines and getting people to accept and get the vaccination….


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