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8840 Form

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Birdtalk, In our Park in Mesa, Arizona, there are several Canadians who do not complete form 8840, the “Closer Connection Exception Statement for Aliens” form. Please have someone research as to whether this form is mandatory. Please reply in the CSA news. D. Laidlaw Saskatoon, Sk. Response: My first thought was, “I wonder if […]


68 Cents US

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Ref: Fall 99, Issue 33, page 22. Dave Hunter says the Canadian dollar is valued between 65 and 68 cents U.S. – that surely is the value we see on TV. It is not the amount one gets offered at our local banks. If he can get between 65 and 68 cents, […]


CSA Placemats

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Mr. Brissenden, Thank you very much for the CSA placemats which I received. I run the Wednesday night cookouts at Redington Towers in Redington Shores, and I have already used a portion, much to the delight of a bunch of Canadians as well as very friendly Americans. They proved to be an immediate success. […]


Consensus on the Retiree Visa

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

I support your upcoming lobby for a Canadian retiree visa. Jerry Kristjanson Ochre River, MB I support a Canadian Snowbird visa. Pat from Ontario I am absolutely behind any attempt to get such a visa in place. We winter in Texas and I know that they suffer economically when we all leave. It’s to both […]


2008 CSA Member Survey

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

The 2008 CSA Member Survey is now available online at www.snowbirds.org. Click the link below to open the online survey in a new browser. The questions posed on the following pages have been carefully crafted to determine if we are doing our best when it comes to meeting your needs as Snowbirds. Please take your […]


CSANews Content

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Mr. Brissenden, I have been a member for several years because I believe in the goals and have benefited, in many ways, from my CSA membership. I continue to promote the CSA but often with limited success. Some people are just not joiners. There is a certain animosity between the West and East. Looking […]


CSANews: Puzzles

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Some time ago, when you started a puzzle page, I wrote you and asked if you or your readers, had a copy of a puzzle “who owns the tiger”. And now here it is, “who owns the fish”, changed but the same puzzle. It took me about 20 minutes to get the […]


CSANews Arrival Time

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, The Fall 1999, Issue 33, was received yesterday, October 28, 1999. We winter in Arizona leaving at the beginning of November as most snowbirds do. On page 6, Fast Facts and page 23, Resources, there were 888 numbers given for Arizona. Available were info and discount vouchers. I phoned each, and found […]


Issue 101

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

This morning, I remembered why I was a snowbird. We awoke to a swirling dusting of snow and freezing weather. The weather forecasters were doing what they do but, incredibly, they were talking about a possible two feet of snow; not a few centimetres or a bunch of millimetres, but feet. It was 70 degrees […]


Issue 98

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

Every year that goes by, it seems a little harder to leave our winter paradise in Florida. Spring has just begun and the flowers and trees are blooming with promise. The yellow dusting of pollen and its semi-allergic assault on our senses has passed. The March Break crowds, their lineups and the vehicular gridlock seem long gone and everything is peaceful and serene.


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