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January 1999

Posted date : Jul 21, 2017

Ontario’s premier Mike Harris attends the Florida extravaganza to announce three major reforms in Ontario regulations: Ontario residents are now required to be in the province for 153 days in a 12-month period to maintain health care (rather than previous 183 days). Travellers, when leaving the country, may now access a second 100-day supply of prescription drugs for a total of 200 days’ prescription medication. Ontario residents while abroad may vote provincially, via proxy.


September 1996

Posted date : Jul 21, 2017

A meeting is held in British Columbia with the provincial health minister. During the meeting she advises that British Columbia will now allow its residents unlimited travel within Canada over and above the 183 days, provided they are in the country at least six months each year.


July 1993

Posted date : Jul 21, 2017

Based on representation and protests from the Canadian Snowbird Association, the government of New Brunswick backs down on its stated plans to limit travel outside the province to 90 days in order for its residents to maintain provincial care.


May 1993

Posted date : Jul 21, 2017

Due largely to the association’s advocacy actions, amendments to the Canada Elections Act contained in bill C‑114 are proclaimed by parliament. This legislation allows all Canadians the right to vote in federal elections while temporarily out of country.


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