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Questions about time permitted in the U.S.

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I read an article online that was published by the Star which stated some information of which I was unaware and am wondering if you could clarify. We are aware that we can stay for up to 182 days out of a year. What I was unaware of is it also states […]


Clarifying amount of time allowed in the U.S.

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We understand that there is a limit of 182 days for Ontario residents to be in the states per year. Does the year run from January to December (calendar year), or how do they estimate your stay in the states? Beth Duffield Point Edward, ON Response: Ed.: For clarity, a Canadian is […]


Border Crossing

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, The official U.S. government website help.cbp.gov/app/answers notes that Canadian vacationers are only required under American law to present a valid passport. Admittedly, they add the caveat that individual officers may ask for further proof. Imagine my disappointment to see evidence both in your Travel Information Guide as well as in replies in […]


Prolonged Stays in the USA/Homeland Security/Income Taxes

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

I am not sure that the advice you gave William in B.C. is correct regarding prolonged stays in the U.S. with respect to consequences from the U.S. government. There appear to be two issues and two major U.S. agencies at stake here. One is the verbal B2 visa (Homeland Security), which is violated in any […]


How long can we stay in the USA?

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

How many months are we allowed to stay in the U.S. coming from Ontario? I have heard six and seven months. Thanks, C. Edmonds Milton, ON Response: Ed: This is the most-asked question we get; the U.S. allows you to stay in the U.S. for a maximum of six months. Not 182 days or 183 […]


More than the 183 days in the US

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I would like to know how it affects us Canadians if we stay down in the USA for more than the 183 days. William in BC Response: Ed.: Currently, when a Canadian is admitted into the U.S. as a visitor, it is under a verbal B-2 Visitor’s Visa. You are permitted to […]


Driving to Myrtle Beach

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Having used Medipac Insurance for the past six years for our trips to Myrtle Beach, I received a complimentary issue of your Winter 2008 CSANews. Your article headed “Myrtle Beach” by Gordon Garrison stated that the driving time to Myrtle Beach from Ontario was about 12 hours. I would like to know […]


Windsor/Detroit Border Crossing!

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Making reference to your reply to the letter in issue 66 of CSANews re: Florida Driver’s Licence, I would like to tell you about our experience and, at the same time, correct your statement. In October 2007, we too were asked by the border agent if any one of us (my wife & I) had […]


Non-Residents Driver’s Licence

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, At the Detroit border crossing on Oct. 26, 2007, we were unfortunate to get a very officious U.S. border agent by the name of Sanchez. He wasn’t very pleasant while informing us of the 180-day rule (we had our last five years of copies of Form 8840). Then, seemingly out of the […]


Medications Crossing the Border

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I thought that you would be interested in printing the enclosed information and, by finding out whether other seniors have experienced similar problems, take steps to enlist another voice on our side. Possibly Hon. Tony Clement, minister of health. Predictably, there has been no reply from the Foreign Affairs Department. Yours Truly, […]


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