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Immigration rules and taxation rules: two distinct sets of rules

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I’ve read with interest the various letters to Bird Talk in issue 94 of CSANews. The clear, definitive answers to the various questions are very helpful…almost. I say almost, because I wonder if you’re doing members a disservice with such emphatic answers without stating upon which rules you are basing your answers. […]


Status of Canada and U.S. exchanging individual data at border

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, In the fall 2014 Issue 92, the Vice President states that the data for individuals crossing from Canada into the U.S. is not yet exchanged between the two countries. While Googling this question on the Internet, I found that many references are made to reflect that they “do exchange” the information. Can […]


Getting an extension on six month Visa

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, My wife has been undergoing chemo and radiation treatments in Florida. These treatments have consumed most of the six months on our visa. There are now followup scans and consolidation chemo treatments. How do we get an extension to the six-month visa? David Woodruff Ontario Response: Ed.: We have found that the […]


Gun Issue

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

JUST A NOTE Our comments on the gun issue woke up every advocate in the CSA, for both sides. Their comments ranged from “they only want a gun to shoot someone” to “how dare they restrict our right to bear arms and defend ourselves.” The following comments, from someone who has obviously had some direct […]


Medical extensions for illness when it’s time to go home

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, With the new Canada/U.S. border-crossing procedures, the issue of days spent in the U.S. is becoming more and more troublesome for many of us. It recently occurred to me that if you have used up most of your 182 days’ entitlement and you are still in the U.S., and a medical problem […]


Canadian gun rights in the U.S.

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, My wife and I go to Florida each year; I have a question concerning owning a weapon in the United States. Over the years, we have made a lot of good American friends and all of them own guns for their personal protection. (Stand your Ground) They are very surprised that we […]


CSA Travel Information Guide

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, On page 50 of “The CSA Travel Information Guide” 2011 Edition, it says, “Typical work that may not be performed includes: In a condominium, mobile home or manufactured home community, receiving “cash” or reduced/free rent and/or maintenance fees for the season in exchange for: Park office clerical duties Park grounds maintenance Park […]


Constitutional Challenge to Provincial Regulations?

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Each of the provincial health plans, even the “generous ones,” threaten their citizens with cancellation of their provincial health-care plan should they dare absent themselves from the province for longer than some bureaucratically set period of time. I suggest that such a draconian punishment for temporarily abandoning one’s province of residence for […]


Travel Medipac Insurance is a Tax Deductible Expense

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I am pleased to inform you that we have received a full refund of the extra tax we had to pay because CRA originally rejected our Medipac travel insurance premium cost for the 2010 tax year. Thank you for all your help and good luck helping snowbirds in the future. Ann and […]


Travel Health Insurance is a Tax Deductible Expense, and more

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, As usual, I read CSANews from cover to cover for its valuable information and advice concerning travel and medical insurance during our annual stay in Florida for the winter months. The current issue, however, contains two items of personal opinion, which I feel deserve a response. In your editorial, I was naturally […]


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