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Confiscating cellphones at the border

Posted date : May 14, 2019

A friend of mine just sent me an e-mail stating that U.S. border guards now have the authority to request your cellphone and its password. If you refuse, the border guards can confiscate the phone for up to five days. Is there any truth to this? Ian Walker Ottawa, ON Response : Ed.: Yes! Actually, […]


Form 8840

Posted date : May 14, 2019

A question about line 1 in the form 8840, what to enter as a snowbird going for 150 days? What type of U.S. visa (for example, F, J, M, etc.) and date you entered the United States…. Mike Mares Ottawa, ON Response : Ed.: As a snowbird, with no intention of working in the U.S., […]


Quick trip back

Posted date : May 14, 2019

If I flew back to Canada after three months in the U.S., then boarded a plane the following day to return for another two months, would I run into any problem with CBP? Helen Morgan Fort Macleod, AB Response : Ed.: This is a great question and the answer is “No”, everything would be fine. […]


Repairs to home

Posted date : May 14, 2019

Can I do repairs to my own property in California (non-permit-required work)? Thanks. John Bastone Cobble Hill, BC Response : Ed.: Yes, of course. I would be very cautious if it is a rental property, however, and would visit the county office for advice.


RV purchase

Posted date : May 14, 2019

We are considering purchasing a trailer from another couple in Alberta. The trailer remains year-round in a California RV park. Is there anything to be cautious or aware of with regard to insurance and registration of the unit? I will be going to California to view the unit in person before purchase. Bruce Andrusiak Edmonton, […]


Status of Canada and U.S. exchanging individual data at border

Posted date : May 14, 2019

Is the border data-sharing between Canada and the U.S. fully implemented, or have there been further delays? And just what data is being shared anyway? Rick Moly Calgary AB Response : Ed.: In order for the border data-sharing between Canada and the United States (known as the Entry/Exit Initiative) to become fully operational, Bill C-21 […]


U.S. TIN expiry?

Posted date : May 14, 2019

In the spring CSANews, you published a letter in which the writer indicates that a U.S. TIN will expire in three years if the holder has not filed a U.S. tax return. As you did not comment on this statement, it implies that you agree. I secured a U.S. TIN 20 years ago in reporting the […]


Days in U.S. for Form 8840

Posted date : May 14, 2019

My friend claims that she was told by her accountant that on the Form 8840 – part 1 question 5 – she should fill in the number of days for the past three years as: Current year – the full number of days spent in the U.S. One year past – 1/3 of the number […]


Form 8840

Posted date : May 14, 2019

You obviously receive a lot of inquiries regarding the maximum time Canadians can stay in the U.S. I’ve read many of them, but I am still unclear on a couple of points: If you file Form 8840 but the IRS is unresponsive, do you just have to hope that they’ve accepted your claim to a […]



Posted date : May 14, 2019

We own a house in Florida, where we spend three months of the year. We made a will in Canada leaving that house to our children. Now, a Canadian snowbird neighbour in Florida tells us that we should make a U.S. will for our U.S. property to make things easier for our kids when we […]


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