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The Fruit Fiasco

Posted date : Dec 15, 2017

Ed: In CSANews Issue 101 we, meaning me, provided an incorrect response to a Bird Talk letter from Weldon Hehr regarding importing fruit from the U.S. into Canada. I am not sure where my mind was when I answered the question, because I have often imported fruit from the U.S. myself. I also send fruit […]


U.S. duration limits

Posted date : Dec 15, 2017

I would like to know how many months we can be in the U.S. every year and when does the year start? All this in plain English. Thank you. Joe Hall Niagara Falls, ON Response: Ed.: The year starts on the day you cross the border. You may stay for up to six months during […]


Travel outside of the U.S.

Posted date : Dec 15, 2017

Do you have to return to Canada for 30 days or more to get a new B2 visa, or can you go to Mexico or other countries? Maurice Michaud Response: Ed.: The B2 visa is verbally issued by, and applies only for travel to, the United States. You may travel to other places any time, […]


Use of medical marijuana

Posted date : Dec 15, 2017

Many in the snowbird community must be thinking about the use of medical marijuana. Please give us guidelines concerning Medipac and U.S. border regulations. James Butler Oakville, ON Response: Ed.: A great and timely question. DO NOT try to take marijuana into the United States, or anywhere else for that matter. Many countries have severe […]


30-Day rule

Posted date : Dec 15, 2017

Regarding the 30-day absence rule, I have recently had a fellow snowbird inform me that they have been told that you must actually return to Canada in order for those days not to be counted toward your U.S. time as opposed to travelling, for example, to Mexico for 30 days. Can you clarify this for […]



Posted date : Dec 15, 2017

If my wife and I visit Arizona for five months every calendar year (say Nov. 1-March 31) and file an 8840 every year, will we be subject to U.S. taxes based on worldly income? Our U.S. tax accountant in Canada says that it is very possible and recommends to not spend more than 120 days […]


Border guards

Posted date : Dec 15, 2017

I enjoy reading the various questions and answers re: Dear Bird Talk. One answer caught my attention in the summer 2017 issue 103. It was mentioned that, sometimes, a border guard will only allow you a shorter period (for instance – only 90 days). In that case, you will have to comply with the shorter […]


Terms of Use

Posted date : Dec 15, 2017

This Web site is provided to you free of charge, “as is,” by Medipac International. By using the information, services and products available through this Web site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions contained herein. This Web site contains links to other Medipac sites that contain additional Terms of Use. Your use of any […]


Snowbird Currency Exchange Rates

Posted date : Dec 14, 2017

     USD/CAD =   ( *$1 USD will cost you $ CAD )   CAD/USD = (*For every $1 CAD you will receive $ USD)   View Snowbird Currency Exchange Comparison Graph  


Join CSA

Posted date : Dec 12, 2017

The Canadian Snowbird Association is a national not-for-profit advocacy organization dedicated to actively defending and improving the rights and privileges of travelling Canadians.   We need your help! The greater the membership, the more powerful and effective voice we cast against provincial, state and federal governments when lobbying for the rights of all travelling Canadians, […]


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