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CANPASS Clarification

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Paul Jenkins, CSA’s vice-president, advised us that there has been some misunderstanding of the CANPASS program. CANPASS is a photo identification card that has been designed primarily for frequent border crossings (i.e. people who live in Canada and work in the U.S., or people in “border towns” who go to the States to shop weekly, […]


Speed Traps

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk: Thank you for your warning of speed traps in Florida. You may want to advise your readers that the province of New Brunswick has embarked on this lucrative source of income. Number eleven highway north of Moncton is posted at 100 kmp, but in certain areas the speed limit drops to 90 […]


Savings in Arizona

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We hope you pass these savings along to our fellow snowbirds. For those planning to winter in Arizona, may we suggest you visit our park, San Pedro Mobile Home & RV Territory in Benson, Arizona (35 miles SE of Tucson just off Interstate 10). 1110 S. Hwy 80, Benson, AZ 85602. The […]



Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, On April 13/99, as we were returning home from Florida, we had a medical emergency while stopped at the CITGO gas station, LOVELACE AUTO SERVICE, Knoxville, Tenn. 37922. We don’t know the exit #, but it was in north Knoxville, near 40 and 75. I asked Mr. Lovelace how to get to […]


The “30-Day Limit”

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

If Canadian snowbirds can’t deduct their “allowed days” during short times back in Canada (i.e. for Christmas) unless the visit lasts for 30 days or longer…do the U.S. regulations also state for any SHORT trips by Canadians INTO the U.S. (say for taking a seven-day cruise out of a U.S. port and then returning to […]


NAFTA Renegotiation

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

I would like our president and the board of directors to get a suggestion to Mr. Trump’s negotiators that the easiest way to level the playing field between Canada and the U.S. on trade would be to peg the CDN $ and the US $ at even par. This would make for fair trade and […]


How the U.S. Counts Days

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

In your answer to David Smith, you mention that returning to Canada for a week over Christmas or for a few days in Mexico should not be deducted from the six months…this may not be correct. I thought the same thing, that it had to be more than 30 days before not counting as time […]


Form 8840

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Just trying to understand the Form 8840 submission requirements. We’re first-time snowbirds and will be spending several months in the U.S. this fall and winter. Is there a submission requirement prior to leaving, or will we just have to file in 2017 for the 2016 U.S. tax year? Karl P Newfoundland Response: Ed.: Congratulations! You […]


Getting a straight answer on how the U.S. counts days

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Here’s another question about the 182-day issue. We live in Vancouver and have a vacation home in Washington State. Unlike true snowbirds, we use it on many weekends through the year and most of the summer. I keep track of our days (for example, if we go down on Friday afternoon and […]


Immigration rules and taxation rules: two distinct sets of rules

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I’ve read with interest the various letters to Bird Talk in issue 94 of CSANews. The clear, definitive answers to the various questions are very helpful…almost. I say almost, because I wonder if you’re doing members a disservice with such emphatic answers without stating upon which rules you are basing your answers. […]


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