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September 2007

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

As a direct result of discussions with the CSA, federal Minister of Health Tony Clement communicates to every provincial and territorial minister of health, reminding them of their obligations under the portability criterion of the Canada Health Act.


February 2006

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

The CSA appears before the Florida Property Tax Reform Committee to present the association’s position on proposed property tax reform.


May 2005

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

British Columbia becomes the first province to hold an election on a fixed date. This allows residents of British Columbia to better plan their winter trips without having to sacrifice their democratic right to vote.


June 2004

Posted date : Jul 27, 2017

A policy is agreed upon between Manitoba Health and the CSA whereby residents who spend 183 days outside of Canada, and after they return to Manitoba, may be absent for up to an additional 30 days in order for them to enjoy more travel to visit family, attend weddings and funerals, etc.  


March 2003

Posted date : Jul 27, 2017

A proposed rule which would reduce the amount of time that Canadian tourists are allowed to spend in the U.S. from 182 days to 30 days is rescinded by the INS after the CSA appears before the U.S. House Small Business Committee on Capitol Hill. Florida Governor Jeb Bush mentions the CSA in his press release, recognizing the efforts of the association in the successful withdrawal of the planned legislative changes.


June 2002

Posted date : Jul 21, 2017

President Ellen White travels to Washington to appear before the United States’ House Small Business Committee on Capitol Hill. As a result of her testimony, the association is given a letter, signed by the INS commissioner, stating that those Canadians who are otherwise eligible to enter the U.S. would not be affected by the proposed regulatory change. This letter was prepared by the association, under the direction of legal counsel Wallace Weylie, and accepted with few changes by INS.


January 2002

Posted date : Jul 21, 2017

The CSA releases the inaugural edition of the Canadian Travellers’ Report Card, an extensive publication that critically investigates the policies and practices of the federal, provincial and territorial governments regarding key issues impacting Canadian snowbirds.


November 2000

Posted date : Jul 21, 2017

Manitoba announces that residents who are travelling out-of-country can now access a second 100-days supply of prescription medication.


January 1999

Posted date : Jul 21, 2017

Ontario’s premier Mike Harris attends the Florida extravaganza to announce three major reforms in Ontario regulations: Ontario residents are now required to be in the province for 153 days in a 12-month period to maintain health care (rather than previous 183 days). Travellers, when leaving the country, may now access a second 100-day supply of prescription drugs for a total of 200 days’ prescription medication. Ontario residents while abroad may vote provincially, via proxy.


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