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Travel Medipac Insurance is a Tax Deductible Expense

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I am pleased to inform you that we have received a full refund of the extra tax we had to pay because CRA originally rejected our Medipac travel insurance premium cost for the 2010 tax year. Thank you for all your help and good luck helping snowbirds in the future. Ann and […]


Tax Deductions for Travel Medical Insurance

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, The same day I read your article about efforts to have the CRA approve travel medical expenses, I received notice of reassessment as they had rejected my claim for the premiums paid. However, your article gave me strength and I am appealing. Thanks for your efforts. John C. Oakville, ON Response: Ed: […]


Travel Health Insurance is a Tax Deductible Expense, and more

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, As usual, I read CSANews from cover to cover for its valuable information and advice concerning travel and medical insurance during our annual stay in Florida for the winter months. The current issue, however, contains two items of personal opinion, which I feel deserve a response. In your editorial, I was naturally […]


International Driver’s Permits

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We are currently at our winter location which is in Florida, USA. We have been alarmed to hear that from Jan 1, 2013, we are required to have an international driver’s permit, which we don’t have. We are likely to be booked as driving without a licence if we are stopped for […]


Michael Coren’s Article

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Congratulations to Michael Coren, and to you, for having the courage to put into words and publishing what our politicians and immigration authorities can’t seem to understand and/or deal with. Coren says; If we say nothing, we don’t deserve the freedom. I say: If we do nothing, we won’t have our freedom. […]


Needs of our health and education systems should be met!

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I cannot believe that we will be subjected to Michael Coren’s extreme right-wing ranting issue after issue in your CSANews publications. I have asked you in the past to provide a balanced approach to relevant issues. Why does this arrogant, narrow-minded person warrant the right to be your only “political” columnist? The […]


Retired Persons Visa

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, My summer edition of CSANews just arrived today and I have read it from cover to cover. I believe it was one of the most interesting and informative issues I have read during my years as a CSA member. First off, the Editor’s Message was very enlightening. Then the various letters on […]


Subtracting Time From Six Months

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

I sit in dismay, having read your response re: subtracting time from six months. You say that a fewer-than-30-day return to Canada cannot be subtracted when calculating total days allowed in the U.S. We have spent three to six months every year since 1994, always coming home for Xmas. Our time was not always the […]


Length of Stay

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

I travel to Arizona for six months every winter and also cross the border to shop in the summer months. A friend told me that every border-crossing for shopping counts as a day in the U.S. and that I cannot exceed six months’ total in the U.S. or risk being banned from the U.S. for […]


Re: Papers Please, laws

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, The Arizona SB 1070-style laws seem to have won the recent election in many states, Florida included. Are you tracking this issue? I would like to see a report such as the one which you have on the provinces’ health care: which states have passed such laws, which are pending, what documents […]


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