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Canadian Goverment Health Benefits and Form 8840

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Regarding the suspension of government health benefits ,” how would they know if I was away or home if I don’t go to the clinic for two years or whenever? Next, if I fill out the 8840 form, does that allow me to stay longer? Ron Wiltshire Miniota, MB Response: Ed: Big […]


Arizona Immigration Laws

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We were thinking of visiting Arizona. However, their new “anti-illegal” law is very intimidating. What exactly would count as proof of being there legally for a Canadian? Would we have to force the border person to stamp our passports, legibly? Anna Ontario Response: Ed: I do not believe that the new Arizona […]


Cross Border Estate Inheritance

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

A few months ago, my brother passed away. Although his will, drawn up in Ontario, clearly specifies that my husband and I are the beneficiaries of his entire estate – including his portion of a condominium in Florida which we three jointly owned – friends have told us that his will is not going to […]


Harmonized Sales Tax

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I have not seen anything from the snowbird organization commenting on the effect of this tax on seniors? G. Wadden Petawawa, ON Response: Ed: This tax is an abomination for seniors and CSA has been talking to both the Ontario and B.C. governments to try and forestall its implementation. The single collection […]


I’m Jack Layton’s mother

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Re: Michael Coren’s Guest Column I’m Jack Layton’s mother – so I have to object to his claiming there are only two intellectuals heading parties in the government at this time . Jack has his PhD in political science from York University, after completing both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees, honouring in […]


Senior Rates on B.C. Ferries

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I think you jumped the gun by supporting Stanley Knight over his concern about not getting a senior rate on B.C. Ferries. (BCF). BCF is now a privately managed Crown corporation which receives some subsidy from the taxpayers of B.C. Since Mr. Knight does not appear to be a taxpayer in B.C., […]


Veteran Rights

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Thank you for reminding old soldiers in the Spring 08 CSANews magazine about exercising rights vis-a-vis retirement benefits, prescription medication, support for home safety provisions and matters mobility. However, such benefits only apply to ex-members of the Canadian Armed Forces, not its expat allies. As a long-standing member of the Korean Veterans […]


Update on Florida Snowbirds’ Tax Crisis – CSANews, Spring 2008

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Kudos to Peter Benedek for his article about Florida’s outrageous property tax system. He gave us all a real perspective of snowbirds continually being fleeced and financially “slammed into the boards,” as well as what we can expect in the future, which is not a very pleasant outlook. He also stated that “the greatest beneficiaries […]


Florida Tax Crisis

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Just read the Bird Talk letter from David Dillon in CSANews Issue 65. He is quite correct in what he says in his letter about spending by municipal government being hogwash. The whole thing in a nutshell is that now there are too many people who are homesteading. He is also right […]


Florida Tax Crisis

Posted date : Nov 13, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Re: Letter from Warren Davis Re: Florida Tax Crisis – CSANews Fall 2007 Is Governor Charlie Crist really listening? Will his legislative reforms substantially reduce the financial burden on snowbirds who own property in Florida? This writer says, not nearly as much as he would like us to believe. His letter sent […]


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