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Cross Border Marriages

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I have been a subscriber for a long time and have not seen any articles or letters inquiring about the technicalities of marrying an American. We all enjoy our winters in the U.S. and sometimes, romance happens. I am one of the lucky ones and am contemplating marriage in the future. As […]


Marrying an American

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I read with interest the letter in your fall issue from the Canadian lady marrying an American gentleman. My question deals with: what kind of “rights” or “provisions” does one of the unmarried partners, have, should the Canadian fall ill in his/her own country or vice versa, for the other partner to […]


Answers for New Snowbirds

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I have recently become a member. I don’t know how to get any of the information I require. 1. Should I get a U.S. Visa and bank account? 2. How do I find locations popular for Canadian snowbirds? 3. Where do I pose questions such as the above? Othello from Ontario Response: […]


“The calculus of er charges” – An Investigative article by steve lopez

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear bird talk, la times April 1 page a2, investigative article by Steve Lopez, “the calculus of er charges” had some points of interest to us snowbirds. One that caught my attention was er billings being pegged at, or close to, insurance deductibles, in order to avoid scrutiny by the hMO. We previously carried a […]


Problems with trying to sell “double-wides” in florida

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear bird talk, As I am a homeowner in Florida, i read with interest the article by dave hunter about his purchase in the sunshine state. As he attests, there is a large number of “bargains” to be had during these times of economic uncertainty. it’s almost like the saying, “if it seems too good […]


Problems in importing a car

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear bird talk, We live in BC and winter in California. we purchased a used car here in CA and are planning on driving it back to BC this year. We do not want to land it in BC, as we will be driving it back to California in October. we have the title and […]


Reading issues of CSANews and get quite a bit of valuable information

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear bird talk, I really enjoy reading issues of CSANews and get quite a bit of valuable information at the same time. I particularly like the bird talk section, where some members ask interesting questions that affect all winter travellers from canada.In the winter 2011 issue, however, a writer took hostile issue with Michael Coren […]


Selling our Florida home – What we have to do?

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Re: Selling our Florida home We have owned a villa in Florida for 15 years (and we’re Medipac users for as long). There has been some appreciation in value of the unit since we bought it. We now find that we are in a position to have to sell. Could you please […]


Maintenance and repair of your own house in Arizona

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird talk, As a Canadian, can you make maintenance and repair in and around your own house in Arizona? Barbara Bogusz Port Moody, BC Response: Ed: Yes, and you can help your neighbour, too. But you cannot charge any money for your work.


Substantial Presence Test

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Re: Substantial presence test Does anyone know whether day trips to the USA to buy gas, shop or play a round of golf are used in calculating the substantial presence test? Eric Zukowsky Delta, BC Response: Ed: Yes, they are counted. Any day, or part of a day, is counted as one […]


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