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American ZIP Code Tip

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Thanks for the information on the Florida SunPass. When registering online, the system asks for the zip code for both the home address and the credit card mailing address. It does not accept Canadian six-character postal codes so to override this, just enter the three numeric characters of your postal code followed […]


Licence Plate Programs/Canadian Credit Cards/Provincial Travel Insurance

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Suggest that you would assist snowbirds in Florida if you could integrate this licence plate program with help in getting service stations to stop refusing to accept Canadians with credit cards with only five characters in their zip codes. Also to get provincial governments to honour federal obligations regarding travel insurance. V. […]


Texas ID’s

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We were told by a few agencies in Texas to apply for an ID card. However, on trying this morning to apply, we have found out that the requirements to qualify for this card have changed. You now need to be in the U.S. for longer than the allowed six months and […]


Pun Fun, CSA News, summer 2009;

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Pun Fun, CSA News, summer 2009; “A dyslexic man walks into a bra.” How insensitive a comment. Ignorant also comes to mind. Dyslexia is not funny or punny! Sick, insensitive! Do you have any idea how many of your readers may be dyslexic and hiding it? My granddaughter is dyslexic and you […]


Renew your license!

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Imagine our surprise when my wife was stopped and ticketed for driving without a licence – $400 plus. We had somehow forgotten to submit an eye exam and in our absence, the second request – warning that if we don’t submit same, the licence will be revoked and the actual revocation sent […]


Comments on Bird Talk Previous Editions

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I read with interest two letters in Bird Talk Fall 2008 Edition. The first by Stanley Knight. My comments on his story are as follows. I retired from the Air Force after 22 years. By chance, not design, I wound up in B.C., as I had one job to go to when […]


CSA Member Survey

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Re: the article ‘And the survey says’ by J. Ross Quigley. In this article, Mr Quigley states the following statistics. Quote: 80% are married, 3.5% are living common law and, just so you know, 0.65% live an alternate lifestyle. Unquote. What do you mean ‘just so you know’? Why didn’t you just […]


Newfoundland Jokes

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I want you to know right from the start that I take offence to the word “Newfie.” If I ever read another “Newfie” joke in this magazine again, I will no longer be a CSA member. I know you try to justify this by putting in, “submitted by a member from Newfoundland.” […]


Vehicle Registration in Florida

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I reference the advice given to John & Debbie Chalmers in the spring 08 issue in the bird talk section. You stated that Florida requires an individual to have a Florida driver’s licence number in order to register a motor vehicle in their system. This has not been my experience. In late […]


Florida Driver’s Licence

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, It was with some surprise that I read your article about needing a Florida driver’s licence in order to register a car in Florida. Over the years, I have purchased three cars in Florida and registered them with my B.C. driver’s licence and nobody ever told me I needed a Florida driver’s […]


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