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Shingles Shot

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

During my recent doctor’s appointment, I asked about getting the shingles shot but mentioned that I didn’t know whether I had had chicken pox as a child. Her recommendation was to get a blood test to determine whether I had the chicken pox virus in my system. If the test is negative, I am to […]



Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Do you recommend getting a shingles shot? We winter in Palm Springs. Thanks. Delores DAlberta Response: Ed; Absolutely!! And the two pneumonia shots, as well. And the flu shot every year before you travel. Past-president Gerry Brissenden ended up with a case of shingles a few years ago and it was brutal. Medipac has five […]


Prescribed Medications

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Section C, question 6b on the Medipac Travel Insurance Application asks if you have been prescribed three or more medications for hypertension. One of my medications is a combination of Ramipril/Hydrochlorothiazide in one pill. To answer that question correctly, is this considered one medication or two when applying for travel insurance? Patrick L Huntsville, ON […]


Vitamin K vs. Potassium

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

In reply to the letter about atrial fibrillation and the avoidance of foods containing vitamin K. The editorial reply has confused vitamin K with K-potassium. The former, vitamin K, encourages clotting (and should be avoided if you have AFib), while potassium (found in bananas) is good for the heart and blood pressure. Another food high […]


Green tea article, CSANews 97

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Your article speaks glowingly about the outstanding benefits and recommends without exception that everyone should consume green tea and enjoy the amazing health benefits to be derived as a result. My eyebrows were raised on reading the article, particularly because I have a disease called atrial fibrillation and I consume the prescription Warfarin daily as […]


Gluten-free recipe correction

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I enjoy reading your magazine, however the fall issue no. 92 had some incorrect information in the Low Fat Chicken Stroganoff recipe found on page 49. The recipe mentions that it is gluten-free and that all you have to do is substitute the egg noodles with any gluten-free pasta. Firstly, the all-purpose […]


Recommendation for ear issues when flying

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, The article on page 42 of the Spring 2014 issue [Health Pulse] missed a great remedy for the unequal pressure between the middle ear and the cabin of an airplane. I have used EarPlanes for the past six years and have not had any problems since. Prior to learning of these, I […]


GHIP Coverage

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We are not snowbirds yet, but decided to become CSA members to learn more about becoming snowbirds in the future. Your publications are outstanding and, after reading some Bird Talk questions and feedback, I have a question concerning OHIP. If we sell our house in Ontario, store our belongings in Ontario, travel […]


Aspirin and NSAIDs

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, In the summer edition, there was some confusion about NSAIDs in pills. NSAID stands for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. NSAID is used as an adjective that helps to describe a drug; it is not something that can be added or taken away. The three main groups of NSAIDs are aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, […]


Aspirin and NSAIDs

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I am writing with reference to Mr. Dawe’s letter regarding Aspirin and NSAIDs in CSA’s summer 013 edition. Mr. Dawe states that he “could not find any product that contained ASA” in Florida, and all the Aspirin products that he did find “all contained NSAIDs.” NSAIDs is not an ingredient or a […]


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