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Three months of medication in BC

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We have been members of the Canadian Snowbird Association and do enjoy your quarterly magazine. For 20 years, we have been travelling to Florida from Alberta for four or five months each winter and have had no problem filling prescriptions from our doctors to cover the time we were away. In 2005, […]


Alberta Health & Snowbirds

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Prior to my move to Saskatchewan, I was a resident of Alberta. In September 2008, I called to let Alberta Health know that I was leaving the country for six months (182 days) as per my instruction. I didn’t leave the country until the 10th of October. There was no mention of […]


Heart Saving Tests

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, In your CSANews (Fall 2008) magazine, there was on the inside front cover a great article on “Heart Saving Tests” brought by Healthfair. I tried to phone using the number listed – no luck. I used the www.healthfair.com website, and we reached locations in Florida. Is there a Canadian number or location […]


Breast Cancer Treatment

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Love your magazine and all the information. Re the “breast cancer” article from Mike Pigden – Has no one ever heard of “BRACHYTHERAPY ?” for breast cancer. The doctors never tell the women about it. My daughter had breast cancer and by chance, we heard and learned about it. It is a […]


Rules of the “Ontario Drug Plan”

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, In view of the problems which I recently experienced when attempting to obtain prescription medicine from my pharmacist before leaving for wintering in Florida, will you kindly clarify the rules of “Ontario Drug Plan”? How many weeks’ worth am I allowed to have in hand before obtaining a fresh supply on departure, […]


Property Taxes in Arizona

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk Re: Florida Tax Situation My wife and I have been CSA members for several years and we have been fortunate to spend a couple of months in Arizona each spring for the last 10 years. We do enjoy reading the CSANews. It is interesting to notice the difference in attitude of the […]


Florida State Tax Discrimination – The Final Word

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Florida State Tax Discrimination – The Final Word The printing of the letter from the Office of Citizens Services and your own introductory paragraph stating that governor Crist had actually done something for part-time residents, and will do more, is to enter the world of “make believe.” Please read “Governor Crist Proposes […]



Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, …And now, on a more serious note, the Feature Story on “Infections” in the recent CSANews was interesting – particularly the piece about shingles and the piece on page 38 about vaccinations for shingles. I wish I’d known about that a year ago! Warning to all seniors – if you haven’t already […]


Health Care Ad Campaign in BC

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Re: Health Care Ad Campaign in British Columbia We are short of doctors. We are short of hospital beds. We need more MRIs. We need more nursing staff. Our clinics are closing their doors due to lack of funding. The B.C. government pays the absolutely, rock-bottom, pittance for out country illness ($75 […]


Prostate Cancer Awareness

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Today I am writing as a self-appointed poster boy for prostate cancer awareness, to male snowbirds across Canada. Many of your readers are men, probably well over 55 who may have sons or male relatives in the 40 plus age group. My message is short. Men, start testing for prostate cancer early. […]


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