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IRS Form 8840

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

We have filed 8840 forms for a number of years now, having no U.S. income to declare. In Dec. 2016, my lucky wife won a jackpot in a Nevada casino and, of course, they withheld 30%. In Jan. 2017, she filed a U.S. tax return with an ITIN number, again with no other U.S. income […]


Home Telephone Service – Canada & U.S.

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

From time to time, I see articles in Bird Talk regarding questions on telephone services between Canada & U.S. Prior to departing Canada in 2016, I signed up with a company called Comwave which was advertising a six-month promotional deal for unlimited Canada & U.S. long distance for $19.95 per month. Sounded like a no-brainer, […]


Receipts for Dances?

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Our mobile park dance committee would like to charge $10 admission for our dances. Someone mentioned that receipts had to be given to the Canadians if they were to charge $10. I would like to know what kind of receipts should be given, or if it is even necessary to give any kind of receipts. […]


Tax/Capital Gains/Death in Family

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Our mom passed away and dad’s been gone for 13 years. Mom did change the deed of her duplex in Florida into her three children’s names and removed her name from the deed three years ago. She was advised to do this by someone, but now we are not sure? We are wondering about capital […]


Rental Income

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

If you rent out your home in Florida and your rental income is less than your costs to maintain your home, do you pay tax on this income in the U.S. E. Dell Toronto, ON Response: Ed.: Any net income (rent less expenses) would be taxable in the U.S. If there is also personal use […]


Form 8840

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Re: Form 8840 Is this form mandatory or a nice-to-do thing? F. Helmink Terrace Bay, ON Response: Ed: This is the second most-asked question. The IRA in the United States (that’s the tax department) wants to tax you on your worldwide income! If you spend three months a year in the U.S., […]


Form 8840 Deadline

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Wondering if someone could confirm the due date necessary to file a Form 8840. Mike B. Ontario Response: Ed.: There does seem to be some confusion about this issue. For almost all snowbirds, the deadline is June 15 of the following year. For those few snowbirds who have employment income in the United States, you […]


Four-month Stay in the U.S.

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Any further information about a rumour that Canadians who have property in the U.S. and stay for longer than four months in a calendar year are deemed to pay income tax, the same as an American citizen would? Also, any news about the visitor visa for Canadian seniors? Stan S. Ontario Response: Ed.: Nonsense! Don’t […]


Canadian Credit cards in U.S. restaurants

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

We recently used our Canadian credit card to pay for a meal in a U.S. restaurant. The total was $22.15 before tip, so I left a $4 tip for a total of $26.15. I noticed a few days later that my credit card was charged $ 53.15 Canadian…I know our dollar is low, but not […]


What does Revenue Canada accept as an allowable expense?

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I have been told that I can claim my out-of-country medical insurance premium as a medical expense when I file my Canadian income tax. However, when I talked to Revenue Canada, they told me the premium is only an allowable expense if it covers exclusively what would be normal medical expenses. In […]


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