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Property Taxes

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I have just read Peter Benedek’s column and, being a property-owning snowbird who keeps up to date with such issues, I am well aware of this matter. It is sad indeed. My wife and I own a house in Florida, and even though I know that renters and other vacationers are also […]


Entrance Fee at Extravaganza

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We think there should be a charge for non-members at the Extravaganzas. We went to the one in Lakeland. There were so many people we could not enjoy ourselves. One or two dollars would help all the good work you try to do. We know sponsors pay for some of the cost […]


Florida Homesteaders Exemption

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk: I’m one of the many snowbirds that own a small one-bedroom condo (600 sq. ft.) in Pinellas County, Treasure Island Florida. In the year 2005 our taxes were increased by a staggering 142 % or $1622.12. Now for the year 2006 the proposed taxes, if adopted, will increase our taxes another 34 […]


Canada Club! Interested?

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I would like to hear from anyone snowbirding in the Sarasota FL area. I would like to start up a Canadian Club. If you are interested, please email me at dorianregd@hotmail.com. Ian Grant Response: Great idea, Grant! Don’t forget to order placemats when you pull your meeting together. It’s easy, just send […]


Money Transfer Issue in the US

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Please check the following information and alert our fellow Snowbirds of the following problems. I have been trying to transfer money from my Canadian bank U.S. Dollar account into my account in the Chase Bank in Arizona. They have instituted a new policy whereby it now takes fro 4 to 6 weeks […]


Reflection on Silver Lake

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I have enclosed a picture of the group of Canadians that winter in Avon Park, Florida. We had a wonderful pot luck dinner, using your placemats as decoration. Many of us met new friends and a few of us were so surprised to find out just how close we lived to each […]


Lifestyle Presentation – Halifax

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Thank you for bringing the Lifestyle Presentation to Halifax. We enjoyed it so much. You have a lot of talent. So nice to see Gordie Tapp again and everyone did a super job. We look forward to seeing you in Florida but this was something else. Hope you all enjoyed Halifax and […]


Currency Exchange and Transfer

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I am writing with respect to the Bird Talk on p. 7 of the latest CSANews Spring 2006, Issue 58, about a cash in dispute with an American bank. At the beginning of the 1980’s I opened my chequing account with a bank in florida, and shortly after mailed my pay cheque […]


Distribution of CSANews

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Mr. Gerald Brissenden Our best wishes on your appointment as president of CSA. Thank you for dedicating your time and effort to the association that has championed our rights at every opportunity. Congratulations on the publication of the 50th CSANews. The issue is five stars in content and style. Perhaps the hard work and […]


Martin Downs Golf & Country

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Enclosed please find a photo taken on our “Canada Day” in February at our golf club Martin Downs Golf & Country Club in Palm City FL. I wanted to thank you for the dinner table “Placemats” which were provided thru the “Snowbird” magazine. Bill Leeder did a great job of getting them […]


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