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Western Shows

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We were wondering why there are no Snowbird Lifestyle Presentations out in the west? We are new CSA members living in Edmonton, and would really like to go to one of these. Sincerely, Rudolf and Silvia Sattler Response: At the October CSA board meeting we decided to have at least one, and […]


Randy Brooks

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, We attended the CSA program in Kitchener last night, and want to thank you for all the effort that went into presenting the program. We appreciated the updates from the sponsors, and enjoyed hearing from you and the tremendous work that CSA does on our behalf. We joined the organization last night, […]


Keep Your Receipts

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, In February, a friend drove me to Orlando and then flew down to drive me home at the end of the month. I booked our accommodations at Best Western using my credit card, but paid in cash when we arrived at the motel. I kept the receipt for our first night in […]


Warning! Unjust Bank Charges

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Sirs: I recently had a disturbing banking experience with Bank of America in Fort Myers, Florida. A normal deposit of $4,000.00 USD from my local U.S. Dollar account at TD Canada Trust was hit with a transaction deduction and service charges of $110.00 USD, on the pretense that it was a banker’s “collection item” […]



Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Committee chair, I have been a snowbird member since its inception and believe it to be a great organization for the snowbird population. I would however like to make a suggestion that I’m sure has been made before, that is to charge a nominal fee to non members to access the annual meeting and entertainment […]


Travellers’ Cheques

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk: I wonder how many Snowbirds who have bank accounts in Florida realize that the tellers are NOT responsible for cheques??? I have a receipt for $400 deposited on December 7, 2005 in the form of 4 x $50, 10 x $20 and am in dispute with the bank regarding the amount of […]


Spain Canada Club!?

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Thank you for your recent article on Barcelona! My wife and I are transatlantic snowbirds and hibernate in Spain. Our nest is in Oliva in the province of Valencia. We know that there are more Canadians in that country, and we would love to hear from them. Our e-mail address is strakamn@hotmail.com. […]


Sign Your Cheques

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, The mail is in so I am now reading everything, cover to cover, with great interest in the CSANews Fall Issue 56. Donna Wilson’s tip and story on the top of page 9 really did catch my eye regarding the blank cheque being cashed with no signature on it. Believe it or […]


Advanced tickets

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I just had to write to express my deep disappointment with the C.S.A. Every year we look forward to attending the Snowbird Extravaganza North show. Imagine our surprise to find out it was by “Activated Ticket” only basis. Because we live 90 minutes from the Centre instead of 45, we were not […]


Part-time Employment in the US

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Here are some facts about my current circumstance. I am the president of our co-op condo association. I have also volunteered to hold the position of secretary treasurer on a temporary basis since the past Treasurer resigned in 2003. We the Board of Directors as of this date have not been able […]


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