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CSA Placemats

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Mr. Brissenden, Thank you very much for the CSA placemats which I received. I run the Wednesday night cookouts at Redington Towers in Redington Shores, and I have already used a portion, much to the delight of a bunch of Canadians as well as very friendly Americans. They proved to be an immediate success. […]


Consensus on the Retiree Visa

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

I support your upcoming lobby for a Canadian retiree visa. Jerry Kristjanson Ochre River, MB I support a Canadian Snowbird visa. Pat from Ontario I am absolutely behind any attempt to get such a visa in place. We winter in Texas and I know that they suffer economically when we all leave. It’s to both […]


CSA Fun & Games

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, While your attempt was to provide humour with your recent issue, someone needs to check the math. Forty million people at one million each is a lot more than forty million dollars. In fact, the number is so large we would be in the deepest crisis imaginable. Having stated the above, I […]


Thank you for publishing my letter

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, Thank you for publishing my letter under Bird Talk in the summer 2009 issue of CSANews. I hope it will be of some help to the members. However, I have a followup. I am happy to advise that CIBC was successful in their investigation with the Chase Bank and that the $397 […]


2008 CSA Member Survey

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

The 2008 CSA Member Survey is now available online at www.snowbirds.org. Click the link below to open the online survey in a new browser. The questions posed on the following pages have been carefully crafted to determine if we are doing our best when it comes to meeting your needs as Snowbirds. Please take your […]


CSANews Article: Vision and Hearing

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, I received your winter 2006 issue and enjoyed the articles and information it contained. Being in the eye-care business I was especially interested in the article on Vision and Hearing problem of older adults. The information regarding eye/health conditions that can affect a person vision is well presented and aging adults should […]


CSANews Article: Drive to Bermuda

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, It was such a pleasure reading “Drive to Bermuda” (in winter issue) CSANews. My late husband and I spent wonderful 3 week holidays there in June or October every second year for over 30 years. We stayed in a private guest house, on South Shore Rd. handy to beaches and towns. The […]


CSANews Content

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Mr. Brissenden, I have been a member for several years because I believe in the goals and have benefited, in many ways, from my CSA membership. I continue to promote the CSA but often with limited success. Some people are just not joiners. There is a certain animosity between the West and East. Looking […]


CSANews: Fun and Games

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk; My favourite section of the CSA magazine has always been the Fun & Games page. However, I am disappointed in the summer issue. Two of the Number Teasers refer to something American (Zip Codes and States in the Union). Is this not a Canadian magazine? Would it be asking too much to […]


Snowbird Lifestyle Presentations

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Mrs. White, My wife and I attended the Snowbird Lifestyle Presentation in Kitchener September 23rd. It was the very best presentation yet. We offer our congratulations to you, your staff and those who entertained us royally. The guest we brought with us took advantage of the many booths and to obtain information about the […]


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