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“Old Folks!”

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017

Dear Bird Talk, As Lifetime Members, Holly and I would like to thank you very much for the crests, booklets and pins that we received recently. Both crests and pins are excellent quality and we shall wear them with pride during our extensive retirement travels! Could I please make a suggestion re: your (our!) booklet […]


Issue 104

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

Well the jury is in; the new CSA directors are people whom the membership can be proud of and can support. It is always interesting to watch the Board turnovers as the new guard gets settled in and the old guard partially retires to green pastures. I say partially, because no CSA director has ever […]


Issue 103

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

As a child, I was enthralled with monkeys and, when I found out that there was an island which was overrun with monkeys, I decided that I had to make plans to visit one day. I have flown over Gibraltar a few times, but have not made it there yet. Pat & I cruised by […]


Issue 102

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

I was fortunate enough to attend three of CSA’s 25th-anniversary events. The excitement and dedication of all of the people involved was exhilarating. I met members whom I had not seen for several years and it was fun catching up on all of our lives. That is really what all of our events are about […]


Issue 101

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

This morning, I remembered why I was a snowbird. We awoke to a swirling dusting of snow and freezing weather. The weather forecasters were doing what they do but, incredibly, they were talking about a possible two feet of snow; not a few centimetres or a bunch of millimetres, but feet. It was 70 degrees […]


Issue 100

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

Milestones are to be celebrated. Your birthday, your anniversary, the birth of a child, graduation from school or college, or even milestones on the way to completing a difficult task are all important. In our own small way, we are celebrating our 100th issue of CSANews.   We have adapted and changed over the years, […]


Issue 99

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

I try to nurture some of the child left in me at the fine age of 71 and watching fireworks is one of many things that can still give me that sense of awe and wonder. My older self relates more to the fireworks of the British exit from the European Union and the similar […]


Issue 98

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

Every year that goes by, it seems a little harder to leave our winter paradise in Florida. Spring has just begun and the flowers and trees are blooming with promise. The yellow dusting of pollen and its semi-allergic assault on our senses has passed. The March Break crowds, their lineups and the vehicular gridlock seem long gone and everything is peaceful and serene.


Issue 97

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

CSANews Issue 97 Winter 2015 Edition – To read : Costa Rica – Snowbird Strategies – Texas Hills – Preventing CVD


Issue 96

Posted date : Oct 19, 2017

CSANews Issue 96 — Fall 2015 Edition – To read : Travel – Bermuda , Finance – Runnin’ Dry, Health – Exercise


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