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March 2013

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

CSA Executive Director Michael MacKenzie meets with Florida state lawmakers to resolve the International Driving Permit (IDP) requirement for out-of-country drivers. On March 27, 2013, this legislation was repealed retroactive to January 1, 2013.


January 2013

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

British Columbia increases the amount of time that permanent residents can spend outside of the province and still maintain their health coverage from six to seven months.


November 2012

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

Due to the efforts of the CSA, Saskatchewan increases access to prescription drugs for travellers by simplifying the reimbursement process. Saskatchewan residents can now be reimbursed for up to six months of medication at one time.


April 2012

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

The association investigates the rejection of deductions for travel medical insurance by Canada Revenue Agency. CSA Executive Director Michael MacKenzie meets with the federal Finance Minister’s staff to resolve the issue which results in the acceptance of medical and non-medical components of a premium being tax deductible.


May 2012

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

CSA President Bob Slack and CSA Executive Director Michael MacKenzie give testimony, related to the 10-year Canadian passport, to the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade.


March 2011

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

The CSA successfully lobbies the U.S. Congress to advance the Canadian Retired Persons’ Visa through legislation introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate. If enacted as is, the VISIT-USA Act will increase the amount of time for which Canadian citizens over 50 years of age, who satisfy certain requirements, will be permitted to stay in the United States.


May 2010

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

Legislation is passed in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to allow absentee ballots in provincial elections. This success for the association serves to strengthen the democratic rights for all Ontario residents travelling abroad.


April 2009

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

Thanks to legislative changes prompted by the persistence of the CSA, the government of PEI now reimburses out-of-country emergency in-patient services at up to $1,055 CAD per day, a rate nearly double that of 2002.


January 2008

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

The creation of a new 10-year Canadian passport is announced in the federal budget. Currently scheduled for 2013, the new Canadian passport will not only have a doubled lifespan, it will also include enhanced security features to better protect travelling Canadians.


September 2007

Posted date : Jul 28, 2017

As a direct result of discussions with the CSA, federal Minister of Health Tony Clement communicates to every provincial and territorial minister of health, reminding them of their obligations under the portability criterion of the Canada Health Act.


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