Posted date : Jan 13, 2023.
My wife and I are thinking of selling our property in Florida and would like to know the steps in the process. I assume that we would go through a lawyer when it sells, but are there any U.S. taxes and/or fees which we would need to pay? We have heard conflicting stories from others who have sold. Thanks for clarifying this issue.
Read more...Posted date : Jan 13, 2023.
With the elimination of the annual vehicle licence fee, many Ontarians registered online and received acceptance of registration in a confirming email, but nothing to attach to our vehicle or ownership as in the past. Is this confirmation an acceptable form of proof in another province or state that our vehicle registration is up to date? Can we remove existing stickers so as not to draw attention to those reading 2022?
Read more...Posted date : Jan 13, 2023.
My insurance agent is telling me that I need extra coverage if I drive my car to Florida for the winter. They say that any vehicle staying in the U.S. for more than 30 days requires special coverage. Is this correct?
Read more...Posted date : Sep 19, 2022.
My father-in-law would like to transfer ownership of his property in Florida to my wife and me. We are thinking of joining the title with all three and, upon his passing, it would pass to my wife and me as surviving owners. Will that work to avoid capital gains or gift tax?
Read more...Posted date : Sep 19, 2022.
Keeping a U.S. bank account would be very convenient for us for our spending in the U.S. Can you make any suggestions regarding how we can either keep our Wells Fargo account or such at another bank in the U.S.
Read more...Posted date : Sep 19, 2022.
I am reading my summer 2022 edition and I thought that it would be very interesting to follow your advice and obtain my travel history on….
Read more...Posted date : Sep 19, 2022.
I’ve just become aware of the form 8840. Do I need to complete the form if I don’t meet the substantial presence test for time in the U.S.?
Read more...Posted date : Sep 19, 2022.
I want to purchase a car in Florida; do I need to obtain a Florida driver’s licence?
Read more...Posted date : Sep 19, 2022.
I am Canadian and my husband is American. We have a mobile home in Florida. We are buying a car in Michigan, driving it to Florida and leaving it there. Should my name be on the vehicle as well?
Read more...Posted date : Sep 19, 2022.
I’m a CSA member. I get every issue of CSA News. Let me get my two cents in on this “ArriveCan app” issue. This regulation is right out of the Communist Manifesto if I’ve ever seen one. ..