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Comments on Bird Talk Previous Editions

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk, I read with interest two letters in Bird Talk Fall 2008 Edition. The first by Stanley Knight. My comments on his story are as follows. I retired from the Air Force after 22 years. By chance, not design, I wound up in B.C., as I had one job to go to when […]


CSA Member Survey

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk, Re: the article ‘And the survey says’ by J. Ross Quigley. In this article, Mr Quigley states the following statistics. Quote: 80% are married, 3.5% are living common law and, just so you know, 0.65% live an alternate lifestyle. Unquote. What do you mean ‘just so you know’? Why didn’t you just […]


Newfoundland Jokes

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk, I want you to know right from the start that I take offence to the word “Newfie.” If I ever read another “Newfie” joke in this magazine again, I will no longer be a CSA member. I know you try to justify this by putting in, “submitted by a member from Newfoundland.” […]


Vehicle Registration in Florida

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk, I reference the advice given to John & Debbie Chalmers in the spring 08 issue in the bird talk section. You stated that Florida requires an individual to have a Florida driver’s licence number in order to register a motor vehicle in their system. This has not been my experience. In late […]


Florida Driver’s Licence

Posted date : Nov 6, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk, It was with some surprise that I read your article about needing a Florida driver’s licence in order to register a car in Florida. Over the years, I have purchased three cars in Florida and registered them with my B.C. driver’s licence and nobody ever told me I needed a Florida driver’s […]


What Does it Really Cost?

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk, In the spring issue of CSANews, Mr. Quigley, in his article “What Does it Really Cost?,” refers to “slimy lawyers.” apparently, to Mr Q., any lawyer who tries to collect money owed to a client is slimy, whereas health insurers who will use every trick in the book to avoid paying claims […]


Things Never Change

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Gentlemen: It’s really a shame that fuel economy means so little to automobile manufacturers, when so many people are conscious of how much their own cars are giving in mpg. I personally think they should spend a little more time on economy instead of on 0-60 speeds, top speeds, power that is useless, and bulk […]


Visa Questions at the Border

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk, Neighbours from Kelowna recently arrived in Hemet, California and e-mailed to say that the customs officer asked a new question: “Show me your Visa statements to prove that you have been in Canada for six months.” Our neighbours didn’t have the hard copies, but offered to pull up the details on their […]


Canadian Involvement in the Second World War

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk, When reading the article regarding the “death of four Canadian soldiers” included in the “from the desk of the late Don Slinger,” I felt moved to write a comment regarding the Canadian involvement in the Second World War. I was born in the Netherlands, in the Hague. And I lived through the […]


Best Cell Phone Plan

Posted date : Nov 4, 2017.

Dear Bird Talk, I learn so much from reading our CSA magazine, plus the sharing of information from our snowbirds via Bird Talk. Is there a way to determine the best cell phone plan to use between Canada and the U.S. that avoids the prohibitive roaming fees? Ideally, one would not have to establish and […]


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